Sambo Videos
We recently filmed most of the armbar videos on this page. Here are a few things to note:
- The focus of this set is on building a system of reliable attacks that utilize limited techniques with multiple applications such as the armdrag, Russian arm-tie, over the back armbar and underhooks.
- Our application of the over the back armbar (Juji roll/Iatskevich roll) is unique in that all of the setups shown apply the roll to an already straightened arm, making the attack VERY high percentage.
- You'll also note that our side control armbar attacks originate from North/South, which we believe is a better option for launching armbar attacks and ties in better with our theories of positional hierarchy which take us away from our opponents hips and towards their head. Most players have very weak north/south defensive skills.
- The power armbar from mount (#8) was used by my athlete Pat Walsh to submit the very tough Anton Seleznev to win the 2013World BJJ Championships (HW Blue Belt Div).
- In most of the videos I DO NOT keep my partners arm glued to my chest for the finish: this is a matter of safety: in competition you will keep the arm on your chest at all times.
- This is not a professionally produced series- just a fun way to get some technique on screen, so please enjoy
- Other related videos that show options that are complementary are included.
***Note how the arm is extended during the setup of the Juji roll; eliminating the need to break the grip at the completion of the roll***
Here is the Elbow Knot/Twisted Armbar being used in a chain manner to setup leglocks and other submissions
(Some Choke options to think about from side control (this is also a great set up for the Kimura, Americana and armbar)
North/South Qtr. Neslson Chokes to use in conjunction with armbars from North/South to deal with scrambling opponents

Armbars from Mount:
Enter: Click Image
SV promotes a hardnosed and old school approach to SAMBO as demonstrated wonderfully here by former champion Joe Schmidt. We favor a similar approach to no-gi: get on top and stay on top!
Here is a Masterclass on rolling kneebars which includes an excellent and rarely seen set of techniques from the Georgian grip
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